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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Red Hat / CentOs VSFTPD FTP Server Configuration

vsftpd (Very Secure FTP Daemon) is an FTP server for UNIX-like systems, including CentOS / RHEL / Fedora and other Linux distributions. It supports IPv6, SSL, locking users to Their home directories and many other advanced features.

In this guide you Will learn:

1. Setup vsftpd FTP to Provide Service.
2. Configure vsftpd.
3. Configure Firewalls to Protect the FTP Server.
4. Configure vsftpd with SSL / TLS.
5. Setup vsftpd as Download Only Anonymous Internet Server.
6. Setup vsftpd With Virtual Users And Much More.

Vsftpd offer security, performance and stability over other servers. A quick list of vsftpd features:

1. Virtual IP configurations
2. Virtual users
3. Run as a standalone or inetd / xinetd operation
4. Per-user configuration
5. Bandwidth throttling
6. Per-source-IP configurability
7. Per-source-IP limits
8. IPv6 Ready
9. Encryption support through SSL integration
10. And much more.

Install FTP Server Vsftpd

Install the vsftpd package via yum command:
# Yum install vsftpd

Vsftpd Defaults

1. Default port: TCP / UDP - 21 and 20
2. The main configuration file: / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.conf
3. That users are not allowed to login via ftp:/etc/vsftpd/ftpusers

Vsftpd Configure Server

Open the configuration file, type:
# Vi / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.conf

Turn off xferlog standard ftpd log format:

xferlog_std_format = NO

Turn on verbose vsftpd log format. The default vsftpd log file is / var / log / vsftpd.log:

log_ftp_protocol = YES

Will directives above to enable logging of all FTP transactions. Lock down users to Their home directories:

chroot_local_user = YES

Create warning banners for all FTP users:

banner_file = / etc / vsftpd / issue

Create / etc / vsftpd / issue file with a message compliant with the local site or a legal disclaimer policy:


Use of this system constitutes consent to security monitoring and testing.
All activity is logged with your host name and IP address.

Turn On Vsftpd Service

Turn on vsftpd on boot:
# Chkconfig vsftpd on
Start the service:
# Service vsftpd start
# Netstat-tulpn | grep: 21

Configure Iptables To Protect The FTP Server

Open the file / etc / sysconfig / iptables, enter:
# Vi / etc / sysconfig / iptables
Add the following lines, ensuring That They Appear before the final LOG and DROP lines for the RH-Firewall-1-INPUT:

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT-m state - state NEW-p tcp - dport 21-j ACCEPT

Open the file / etc / sysconfig / iptables-config, enter:
# Vi / etc / sysconfig / iptables-config
Ensure That the space-separated list of modules contains the FTP connection tracking module:

IPTABLES_MODULES = "ip_conntrack_ftp"

Save and close the file. Restart the firewall:
# Service iptables restart
Tip: View FTP Log File

Type the following command:
# Tail-f / var / log / vsftpd.log
Sample output:

Thu May 21 11:40:31 2009 [pid 42298] FTP response: Client "", "530 Please login with USER and PASS."
Thu May 21 11:40:36 2009 [pid 42298] FTP command: Client "", "USER vivekda"
Thu May 21 11:40:36 2009 [pid 42298] [vivek] FTP response: Client "", "331 Please specify the password."
Thu May 21 11:40:38 2009 [pid 42298] [vivek] FTP command: Client "", "PASS
Thu May 21 11:40:38 2009 [pid 42297] [vivek] OK LOGIN: Client ""
Thu May 21 11:40:38 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP response: Client "", "230 Login Successful."
Thu May 21 11:40:38 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP command: Client "", "syst"
Thu May 21 11:40:38 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP response: Client "", "215 UNIX Type: L8"
Thu May 21 11:40:39 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP command: Client "", "PORT 10,1,3,108,162,253"
Thu May 21 11:40:39 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP response: Client "", "200 PORT Command Successful. Consider using PASV."
Thu May 21 11:41:05 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP response: Client "", "150 Ok to send data."
Thu May 21 11:41:06 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] OK UPLOAD: Client "", "/ windows-7-too-many-programs.png", 8957 bytes, 6.70Kbyte/sec
Thu May 21 11:41:06 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP response: Client "", "226 File receive OK."
Thu May 21 11:41:10 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP command: Client "", "TYPE A"
Thu May 21 11:41:10 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP response: Client "", "200 Switching to ASCII mode."
Thu May 21 11:41:11 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP command: Client "", "PORT 10,1,3,108,217,96"
Thu May 21 11:41:11 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP response: Client "", "200 PORT Command Successful. Consider using PASV."
Thu May 21 11:41:11 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP command: Client "", "LIST"
Thu May 21 11:41:11 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP response: Client "", "150 Here comes the directory listing."
Thu May 21 11:41:11 2009 [pid 42299] [vivek] FTP response: Client "", "226 Directory send OK."

Tip: Restrict the Access to Anonymous Users Only

Edit the vsftpd configuration file / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.conf and add the following:

local_enable = NO

Tip: Disable the FTP Uploads

Edit the vsftpd configuration file / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.conf and add the following:

write_enable = NO

Security Tip: Place the FTP directory on its Own Partition

Separation of the operating system files from FTP users files may result into a better and secure system. Restrict the growth of Certain file systems is possible using Various techniques. For eg, use / ftp partition to store all ftp ftp home directories and mounted with nosuid, nodev and noexec options. A sample / etc / fstab enter:

/ Dev/sda5 / ftp ext3 defaults, nosuid, nodev, noexec, usrquota 1 2

Disk quotas must be enabled to Prevent users from filling a disk used by FTP upload services. Edit the vsftpd configuration file. Add or correct the following configuration options to the which represents a directory vsftpd Will try to change into after an anonymous login:
anon_root = / ftp / ftp / pub

This blog post is one of five in the "Redhat / CentOS vsftpd FTP Server Tutorial" series. Keep reading the rest of the series

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